Tyninghame Village Hall

Tyninghame Village Hall is a listed building in the centre of a unique conservation village in the beautiful East Lothian countryside.

For many years the hall has provided a stunning setting for a wide variety of indoor activities from wedding ceremonies and art classes to children’s parties and craft fairs.

This lovely banqueting hall – originally the village bakehouse, remodelled in 1842 – with its centrepiece log fire, south-facing windows and views across the Lammermuir Hills, provides a stunning and magical location for any event.

Tyninghame Village Hall, EH42 1XL, is 2 miles east of the picturesque village of East Linton, 5 miles west of Dunbar, 7 miles south of North Berwick and approx 25 miles from Edinburgh.

Tyninghame Village Hall is a registered charity: SCO47531

Refurbishment update

Despite the Hall being closed due to Covid-19 restrictions, we kept busy. The Tyninghame Village Hall and Community Committee had made a commitment to make improvements to the village hall and these were followed through. For further information on the refurbishments please see here.

We were really happy to be able to open up the hall again for village events, classes, children’s parties, weddings and private functions once restrictions had eased. Please check the Hire the Hall page for current Terms and Conditions and prices .

Here is the Hall with a beautifully sanded and sealed floor, freshly painted walls, lovely lighting and efficient heating.

Our smart refurbished kitchen is now very suitable for those running catered events.

We would like to reassure all our future users that we take your safety very seriously. We have put in place a number of new hygiene and safety measures in the Hall to help prevent the spread of infections. We ask all those hiring and using the Hall to observe the current guidance on numbers attending Hall events, social distancing measures, the wearing of face-masks, etc. Documents relating to hire of the Hall can be found on the Booking Terms and Conditions page.

Please check https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/ for current restrictions

Bat Survey

In February 2021 we insulated the central roof structure. Prior to this work, we commissioned a Bat Survey to find out if and where we had bats roosting in the Hall and what measures would be needed to protect them. You can read the full report here

Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and better year ahead!

Many thanks to those who took part in the Christmas wreath-making workshops in December, both in the Hall and at home. There have been some very beautiful wreaths adorning the doors of Tyninghame village (and beyond!). The winner of the wreath-making workshop was Sabina Struthers, her wreath can be seen in the bottom left of the collage.