Walking routes from Tyninghame
Walking routes from Tyninghame are outlined in the map here.• Please keep dogs under control at all times. If in doubt, put your dog on a lead.
• Please bag and remove dog poo.
•Pasture fields may contain cattle or sheep, especially between April and October. Cattle may challenge you, particularly if you have a dog. Do not enter fields with your dog if there are calves or lambs there. You cross fields with farm livestock at your own risk.• You can walk along the edges of ploughed fields and crop fields, but please keep trampling damage to crops to a minimum. Sometimes, walking along the tractor wheeling nearest to the field margin is a good way to do this. Please keep well away from any working farm machinery.
•There may be nesting birds in the fields. Oystercatchers, lapwings and redshanks will make loud alarm calls if they think their eggs or chicks are at risk. Please move on quickly if you hear them.
When walking in the countryside please remember
the Scottish Outdoor Access Code
- Respect the interests of other people
- Care for the Environment
- Take responsibility for your own actions