Get involved!


We have set up a number of sub groups as a way to encourage and enable greater community engagement. We warmly welcome all residents in the community and encourage those who want to get involved in village activity to join a group which is of interest to them. This is an ideal way to become involved without having to join the Committee. Just get in touch with the named contact for the group or chat to any of the TVHC committee members who will be happy to help you.

Our sub groups and activities are as follows:-


This group develops and coordinates community and family activities and events in and around the Hall.  We are totally dependent on volunteers to run these events and always welcome new ideas to bring the community together. Read more about some of our community events here.

If you would like to volunteer or share your skills in any way please contact Carol Crowther at


These are sub groups of the main Committee which require a short term commitment to carry out and oversee the projects. However, they are time limited.These working groups should include a committee member. There are currently no TVHC community projects requiring a working group. An example of a previous working group was the Village Hall Refurbishment group led by Erica Wimbush.

If you are interested in getting involved in any future ongoing projects please get in touch at

In addition a number of stand alone action /interest /activity groups exist. These groups have been supported by the Committee when required.


A number of groups were formed following the 2019 community engagement survey which was carried out to identify the major challenges facing our community and what people considered most important. Other areas of great interest and importance in the village were nature and wildlife and the environment.

The following areas of concern or interest still ongoing are:-

a) Road safety. More needs to be done to make the village much safer for all. If this is an area of concern for you or your family and you would like to be involved, please get in touch. Contacts are Danny Wight on 07845 222774 or email and Rhys Green on 07514 942611.

b) Walking/Footpaths Maps showing the routes of several walks from the village have been created. The group has been working with East Lothian Council together with landowners to try and establish safe walking routes. Work is in progress to establish a safe walking route to Binning Wood. Contacts are Danny Wight on 07845 222774 or email and Rhys Green on 07514 942611.


Anyone is welcome to form a community activity group e.g. craft, walking groups, local history, singing, music or art with other interested individuals. If funding is needed in any way, please get in touch with anyone on the Committee who may be able to help identify ways to raise funds or generate income.The Village Hall is accessible to all in the community for hosting such community activities so please do discuss your requirements with a Committee Member. Read more about the regular community activity groups here where you can also find useful contacts.