Tyninghame Village Hall is a listed building in the centre of a unique conservation village in the beautiful East Lothian countryside. The Hall was originally the village bakehouse, remodelled in 1842. It provides a stunning and magical location for any event with its centre piece log fire, south-facing windows and views across the Lammermuir Hills. The Village Hall is available for private hires and provides a stunning setting for a wide variety of indoor events including wedding ceremonies, funeral wakes, family and children’s parties as well as weekly classes and monthly craft fairs.
The Village Hall also plays a central role in village life since it is the only covered communal space in the village where local people can meet and hold events. It is leased long-term from the Earl of Haddington to the Tyninghame Village Hall and Community Committee who is responsible for the upkeep of the Hall interior and for its hire and community use. Tyninghame Village Hall and Community is a charitable organisation (estab 2017, charity no. SCO47531) that advances community development through the use of the Hall so that people can come together and participate in various social activities and events.
The Tyninghame Village Hall and Community Committee involves up to 12 local residents who are passionate about community connection, social inclusion, sustainability and local heritage.
The organisation’s purposes are:
1 The advancement of citizenship or community development through the provision of a venue for the local community and others to come together and participate in various activities and events.
2 The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science by offering a space for local groups to exhibit their crafts.
3 The provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended by providing a range of classes and groups.
The office bearers are elected each year at the first committee meeting following the Annual General Meeting and new members are welcomed throughout the year.
The membership of the Committee elected for 2024/25 is as follows:
- Ian Staples, Chair
- John Crowther, Secretary
- Tim Harper, Treasurer
- Carol Crowther, Community Engagement Group
- Rob Hyndman
- Sophie Wild
- Daniel Wight (as representative of Dunpender Community Council)
The date of the most recent Tyninghame Village Hall and Community Committee meeting was Monday 10th February 2025
All our committee meetings are open to local residents to attend either to simply observe proceedings or to raise an issue. The Secretary should be informed by anyone wishing to raise an issue at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting in order to inform the agenda and allow any preparation to be undertaken. Please email tyninghamevillagehall@gmail.com
The next Tyninghame Village Hall and Community Committee meeting will be our AGM on Friday 11th April at 7:30pm.