Refurbishment update

Despite the Hall being closed due to Covid-19 restrictions, we kept busy. The Tyninghame Village Hall and Community Committee had made a commitment to make improvements to the village hall and these were followed through. For further information on the refurbishments please see here.

We were really happy to be able to open up the hall again for village events, classes, children’s parties, weddings and private functions once restrictions had eased. Please check the Hire the Hall page for current Terms and Conditions and prices .

Here is the Hall with a beautifully sanded and sealed floor, freshly painted walls, lovely lighting and efficient heating.

Our smart refurbished kitchen is now very suitable for those running catered events.

We would like to reassure all our future users that we take your safety very seriously. We have put in place a number of new hygiene and safety measures in the Hall to help prevent the spread of infections. We ask all those hiring and using the Hall to observe the current guidance on numbers attending Hall events, social distancing measures, the wearing of face-masks, etc. Documents relating to hire of the Hall can be found on the Booking Terms and Conditions page.

Please check for current restrictions